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Pow(H)er 2024 Sessions

Balance: Ignite Accountability: Transforming Your Mind with the Power of Words and Emotional Intelligence

8:30 to 10:30

  • Rebecca Francis
    Rebecca Francis, M.P.A, is a community support and bold advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a practitioner for DEI efforts across business, government, non-profit, and education, Rebecca Francis helps organizations assess barriers and prepare to integrate seamless DEI efforts into their business frameworks. Over her 9+ years of leadership, Rebecca has worked with local and corporate, educational, construction and non-profit brands, supporting the transformational efforts of companies at all stages. Rebecca Francis' support brings a mixture of expertise, passion, vision, and creative style to make an organic connection for the ultimate takeaways. The heart of Rebecca Francis' work addresses the ability to produce transformative environments with efforts centered around inclusion. She strives to help create professional spaces where people can collaborate through a lens of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Colleagues and clients often refer to Rebecca as a knowledgeable force that possesses passion behind her responsibility to not just "check the box" but move the needle.
Unlock the transformative power of words and emotional intelligence in this dynamic session designed for women leaders. Learn how to harness the impact of your language and emotions to foster accountability and drive personal and professional growth. Through practical strategies and insightful exercises, you will discover how to effectively communicate, build stronger relationships, and create a positive and empowering environment. Join us to ignite your potential and lead with confidence and clarity.

Advancement: Creating a Corporate Powerhouse Through Alignment, Unity, and Resilience: From the Inside Out

8:30 to 10:30

  • Dr. Katie Thomas
    Dr. Katie Thomas is an organizational psychologist with over 20 years of experience in transforming corporate environments. She founded Better Work Experience, a platform dedicated to enhancing workplace dynamics through alignment, unity, and resilience. Dr. Katie specializes in leadership development, team dynamics, and employee engagement, helping organizations uncover blind spots and foster cohesive, high-performing cultures. Her approach blends empirical research with practical strategies, ensuring measurable improvements in organizational performance. Known for her engaging workshops and coaching sessions, Dr. Katie guides executives to create thriving and resilient workplaces. Her expertise and holistic methodologies have made her a trusted advisor and respected thought leader in the field. For more information, visit
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to turn your organization into a powerhouse by focusing on alignment, unity, and resilience. Discover practical strategies to align your team’s goals with your company’s mission, ensuring everyone is working towards a common vision. Learn how to foster unity within your workforce, creating a sense of belonging and collaboration that boosts productivity and morale. A key component of building a cohesive and resilient organization is navigating generational diversity. With today’s workforce comprising multiple generations, each bringing unique perspectives and work styles, this workshop will provide strategies for bridging generational gaps, promoting mutual respect, and harnessing the strengths of a diverse team to drive innovation and adaptability. In our fast-paced business environment, resilience is more important than ever. This workshop will equip you with tools and techniques to build a resilient organization that can adapt to challenges and emerge stronger. We’ll discuss how to create a supportive atmosphere where employees feel valued and empowered to innovate and take risks. Through interactive exercises, real-world examples, and insightful discussions, you will leave with a clear action plan to implement these principles within your organization. By aligning, unifying, and building resilience from the inside out, you can create a corporate powerhouse that thrives in any environment.

Legacy: Intentional Future Building

8:30 to 10:30

  • Martesha Brown

Balance: Goal Getters Unleashed: Mastering Time Management, Prioritization, and Work-Life Balance

10:45 to 11:45

  • Melissa McCormick
    Melissa McCormick, Founder and CEO of the Grace & Salt Leadership Academy, brings over thirty years of manufacturing and corporate experience. Starting as an entry-level export manager, she progressed to become the Senior Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing at Taylor Company, honing effective communication and negotiation strategies across the organization. Melissa now focuses on empowering women to break through the glass ceiling and accelerate their professional success. Her leadership philosophy centers on five pillars: Courage, Communication, Connections, Community, and Care (self). Grounded in trust, integrity, and ethics, Melissa's work is inspired by her book, Grace & Salt: A Journey of Self-Discovery. She launched the Grace & Salt Leadership Academy in 2024, guiding successful coaching for women from entry-level to executive helping them find their voice to belonging in the boardroom and everywhere in between. Offering expertise in leadership, communication, and team development, the Academy is well-equipped to drive meaningful change for you and your organization.
Unleash your potential with 'Goal Getters Unleashed,' a dynamic workshop tailored for business women seeking to enhance productivity and achieve a harmonious work-life balance. This session covers essential time management techniques and prioritization frameworks, with a special focus on using the Wheel of Life and Work to evaluate and improve different life areas. You'll learn to balance urgent tasks with long-term objectives, ensuring sustained success. Join us to master time management, achieve your goals, and find the balance you need to thrive in both your professional and personal life.

Advancement: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: How Executive Coaching Can Elevate Your Career as a Woman Leader

10:45 to 11:45

  • Caitlin Pusateri

Legacy: The Changing Face of Work

10:45 to 11:45

  • Allison Alexander
    Allison specializes in working with people undergoing significant transitions, e.g., retiring, losing a spouse, experiencing divorce, or selling a business. She helps each client create their “new normal” and become comfortable with a new comprehensive financial plan. Allison is knowledgeable in all areas of financial planning, including wealth transfer and philanthropy, proactive income and estate tax planning, retirement cash flow projections, retirement income optimization, insurance needs analyses, debt management, and education funding. Allison has been involved in the financial services industry since 1985. She is a founding member of Cents of Self, an initiative that inspires, informs, and empowers women to pursue their best financial futures. Prior to joining Savant, Allison gained financial reporting experience in public accounting and private industry. After her tenure at a “Big Eight” firm, she managed the financial reporting team for an insurance company in Chicago. Allison graduated with high distinction (top 10%) from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and earned a bachelor of science degree in accounting. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®). Allison is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois Certified Public Accountant Society, and the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts. Allison serves as a board member of the Cedar Point Park Association in Williams Bay, WI and is an active member of the Rockford Garden Club, the Winnebago County Medical Society Alliance, and the Union League Club of Chicago. Allison has three children, Grace, Max and Jack. Among many interests, she enjoys reading, skiing, biking, hiking, gardening, cooking, music, water sports, and spending time in Lake Geneva, WI.
  • Libby Muldowney
    Libby is a founding member of Cents of Self, an initiative that inspires, informs, and empowers women to pursue their best financial futures. She has been involved in the financial services industry since 2003. Prior to becoming a financial advisor, she worked for Savant as a client services representative. Before that she was a member of the Retirement Plan Services Team working with qualified plans. Prior to joining Savant, Libby was a customer service manager for a local bank. Her responsibilities included audits, compliance, and daily operations. She also focused on customer service excellence, problem resolution, and new client acquisition. Libby earned a bachelor of arts degree in economics with a focus on finance from Rockford University. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC®), and a Behavioral Financial Advisor™ (BFA™). Libby actively participates in the Rockford community by volunteering with various non-profits, serving on committees, supporting local events, and helping in her children’s classrooms whenever possible. She is a member of the Illinois Growth Enterprises board and is a graduate of the Leadership Rockford program through the Rockford Chamber of Commerce. Libby, her husband Mike, and their combined four children live in Rockford where she was born and raised. She loves to read, travel whenever possible, spend time with friends and family, and lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
The idea of full-stop retirement—going from 100% work mode to 100% leisure mode—is now neither sustainable nor desirable for everyone. The key is to work because you want to, not because you have to. The book, Victory Lap Retirement, outlines a strategy that helps people create the post-employment lifestyle that’s right for them. It’s a unique blend of work and play that helps them live life on their own terms while they are still young enough to enjoy it.

Balance: Redefine Focus for ADD/ADHD Professionals and Business Owners

1:45 to 2:45

  • Vanessa Zamy
    Vanessa Zamy, appropriately known as The Business Defibrillator®, is a keynote speaker, bestselling author, Professor, and global business consultant emboldening women nationwide to lead prosperous community enterprises. Vanessa, The Creator of The Hustle & Breathe Business Accelerator, is dedicated to helping ambitious, driven business owners calmly and confidently experience business owners. Leveraging her direct demeanor, genius strategic mind, and holistic five-phase approach, Vanessa Zamy works with busy, ambitious micro-business owners to multiply their revenue by taking intentional operational action steps to be more strategically efficient, effortlessly productive, and increasingly profitable in their business and life. Vanessa started her journey in entrepreneurship journey amidst her six-figure salary corporate job identifying opportunities for over $500+ million in additional revenue for a multi-billion dollar company. She did not come from an entrepreneurial family, and thus, relied heavily on Google and her consulting career to guide her on growing her own consulting company. The mission of her microbusiness consulting company, Your Vision’s Catalyst, is to empower and equip ambitious entrepreneurs to grow their purpose-driven business and never look back, so when that fateful day comes, they can say they lived their best life without shoulda, coulda, or wouldas. It's time for business owners to reduce their overwhelm, and enjoy their life while growing their profit-producing, purpose-driven business. Vanessa Zamy’s motto: keep it simple, then keep it movin’! Vanessa has been featured in Fast Company, NPR Marketplace, and on numerous stages. Her background includes a Management Science and Engineering Degree from Stanford University, and strategic leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies. In her spare time, Vanessa enjoys running, and living by her mantra: “have fun, grow money, and share”, which includes Harry Potter, musicals, and dessert.
Focus isn't everything. And unfortunately, traditional productivity hacks don't work for everyone. In this transformative workshop, led by industry expert Vanessa Zamy, you'll explore the full spectrum of your neurodiverse strengths and learn how to apply them to your business endeavors. ADHD brains offer a wealth of untapped potential for innovation and success. Learn how to optimize your workflow, manage distractions, and leverage your unique thinking style to achieve your goals.

Advancement: Own Your Story- Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

1:45 to 2:45

  • Theresa Kegley
    Theresa Kegley and her husband Justin have called Rockford home for 18 years.  Originally a farm girl from central Illinois, they are proud of to raise their three boys Riley (17), Cooper (13), and Colton (11) in the Rockford community.   Moving to Rockford from Orlando, FL where she worked for Walt Disney World in marketing, Theresa quickly became passionate about Rockford’s local non-profit sector and began working as a Development Director and consultant for many local and international non profits.    In October 2015, the Kegley’s planted even deeper roots into the community opening Movement Fitness, an elite personal training and sports performance facility.  She and her husband Justin work side by side serving their clients ranging from 10 – 84 years old. Their desire is to not only help people in the community MOVE better but to be the BEST versions of themselves.  They are blessed by a fantastic team that work to encourage everyone to Be Great Today!    In addition to their fitness business, Theresa is the owner/ CEO of Kegventures, a commercial real estate investment company as well as the owner of a seventh sixth generation family grain farm in Emden, Illinois. As part of her desire to not just make an MOVEMENT within the walls of their gym, but also a MOVEMENT throughout the community, Theresa has served and volunteered for many local nonprofits.  Her passions and time include: Heartland Community Church, Hope for Haitians, The Pregnancy Care Center, Rockford Christian Schools, Stroll on State Event Team, RAMP, Youth for Christ, Family Counseling Services, 2017 Winners of Dancing with the Rockford Stars, The Boys and Girls Club of Rockford, KFACT, YMCA, Stateline Community Church and AGRACE Hospice.   Theresa has also held leadership roles as a past President of the Rockford Chamber – Advantage Club Originals, AGRACE Hospice Advisory Board, Rockford Chamber of Commerce – Leadership Rockford Moderator and Rockford Network of Professional Women. In 2019 Theresa was named on of Rockford’s 40 Under 40 Leaders. Currently Theresa is serving on the Transform Rockford steering committee and is on the board for The Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford. You can often hear Theresa say, “We choose Rockford! We have raised our boys here, planted a business here, and worship here. This is our community. Our home!” Theresa is blessed by parents that have always instill the values of Faith, Family, Farm (& Fitness) from the beginning. She is blessed to carry her values to the Rockford Community and is proud to call the 815 her HOME.

Legacy: Removing Barriers to Help Your Team Succeed

1:45 to 2:45

  • Dr. Sheila Hill

Balance: Mastering the Art of Saying No

3:00 to 4:30

  • Melissa McCormick
    Melissa McCormick, Founder and CEO of the Grace & Salt Leadership Academy, brings over thirty years of manufacturing and corporate experience. Starting as an entry-level export manager, she progressed to become the Senior Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing at Taylor Company, honing effective communication and negotiation strategies across the organization. Melissa now focuses on empowering women to break through the glass ceiling and accelerate their professional success. Her leadership philosophy centers on five pillars: Courage, Communication, Connections, Community, and Care (self). Grounded in trust, integrity, and ethics, Melissa's work is inspired by her book, Grace & Salt: A Journey of Self-Discovery. She launched the Grace & Salt Leadership Academy in 2024, guiding successful coaching for women from entry-level to executive helping them find their voice to belonging in the boardroom and everywhere in between. Offering expertise in leadership, communication, and team development, the Academy is well-equipped to drive meaningful change for you and your organization.
Empower yourself with 'The Art of Saying No,' a transformative workshop for business women designed to help you set boundaries and prioritize what truly matters. Learn practical strategies to confidently and respectfully decline requests, ensuring your personal and professional well-being. This workshop will build your confidence, enhance your productivity, and help you achieve extraordinary results by saying yes to what truly matters and master the art of saying no with grace.

Advancement: Push Beyond the Expectations

3:00 to 4:30

  • Kesia King
    Kesia King is a purpose driven servant leader, whose life mission is to empower individuals to work through their mental roadblocks and fears. Kesia is the Principal and DEI Lead Consultant at sr4 Partners, an organizational health consultancy that helps organizations develop holistic leaders, cohesive teams, thriving cultures and foster inclusive change. Kesia is also the founder and Chief Experiential Officer of CHOP CHOP Mobile Salon & Barber, an inclusive onsite salon and barbershop that delivers convenient onsite beauty and grooming services to business offices, corporate, and brand events. Kesia’s eclectic background, high-energy, and authenticity gives her the unique ability to connect with diverse audiences across the country. In 2020, Kesia was honored as one of Chicago Scholars '35 under 35' for her leadership, innovation, and community impact. She also published her first book entitled F.E.A.R. Face Everything And Recover: The 30-Day Reset to Unlocking Your Full Potential. Kesia is a wife and mother of two. She loves to read, dance, workout and enjoys any activity you can do in the sun.
Go farther, further, and faster. Understand how bias have played a role in your expectations. Gain insight on how to push through your limits to create and realize more lofty goals.

Legacy: 12 Career Essentials: A Guide for Authenticity, Growth, and Impact

3:00 to 4:30

  • Lesly Couper
    A dynamic and results-oriented leader, Lesly Couper brings over two decades of experience in operations, marketing, and communications to her role as President of workplace Staffing & Search. Her expertise in strategic planning, financial management, and team development has consistently delivered impactful results, driving growth and enhancing company culture. Lesly's successful career includes leading marketing and communications for financial institutions through periods of significant change, where she consistently elevated brand recognition, employee and customer engagement, and market share. Her innovative marketing campaigns, digital strategies, and customer-centric initiatives have proven to be instrumental in driving revenue growth and solidifying brand loyalty. In 2020, Lesly transitioned to workplace as Chief Operating Officer, spearheading operational efficiency and strategic growth while fostering an inclusive and thriving workplace culture. Her ability to build strong relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders, coupled with her expertise in marketing and branding, positioned her to successfully acquire the company in 2023. As President, Lesly is committed to continuing workplace's 35-year legacy of connecting employers with employees while driving innovation and growth. Lesly holds an MBA from Northern Illinois University and a BS from Bradley University. A dedicated community leader, she serves on several boards, including YWCA of Northwestern Illinois, Rockford University, Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce, Transform Rockford, UW Health Foundation and the Rock Valley College Foundation. Recognized as the 2016 Woman Manager of the Year and one of the 20 People You Should Know in 2018, Lesly's commitment to excellence extends beyond the workplace. Lesly's passion for empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential is at the core of her leadership philosophy. She is dedicated to building strong relationships, fostering collaboration, and delivering exceptional results.
Embrace your unique brilliance and ditch the outdated career advice! We're diving into 12 lessons designed to help you own your voice, unleash your potential, and achieve your goals. Learn how to take control of your career, build relationships that propel your success, and create a path that's authentically yours.
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