Satori Pathway Network - Anam Memory Care


Alzheimers/Dementia *Health Care

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Anam Glen is a 16-bed assisted living facility in Rockford specializing in the care of Alzheimer's residents and those with memory impairment disorders. Its care program is tailored to meet the specialized needs of all who are afflicted with a dementia, including Alzheimer's, Lewy Body, Parkinson's and Frontal-temporal dementias. Management at Anam Glen has more than 50 years of direct, professional experience in the fields of dementia, behavioral health, various disabilities, geriatric medicine, geropsychiatric care, and more. Anam Glen is built around Anam Cara, a beautiful understanding of love and friendship in the Celtic tradition. Anam Cara means 'soul friend.' Anam Glen is Rockford's only free-standing locally owned and operated residential dementia and memory care facility. The Anam Brain Health Community Resource Center and the Oasis Memory Cafe are two new northern Illinois community assets located within Anam Glen for residents and persons with mild cognitive impairment. They are places for learning, resourcing, nourishment, socialization and fun. Both are open to our entire Rockford-area community. The Anam Brain Health Community Resource Center has weekly events that include yoga classes, dance classes, education, and much more. Anam Glen also includes the Anam Unity Room, a place for cooking meals and programs that reflect many different ethnicities. Some of Anam Glen's services include: 1. Adult day services, up to 23 hours per day. 2. Comprehensive assessment and med review. 3. Short-term stabilization respite. 4. Respite stay, five to thirty days. 5. Permanent residency. Area war veterans also will be supported at the Anam Brain Health Community Resource Center by the nature of many of the classes and programs planned there for them. Anam Glen is a member of the Satori Pathway Memory Resource Network and is located within the Anam Campus in Rockford.

Membership Type

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Ms. Bernice (Bernie) Marinelli

Ms. Erin Erickson

Mr. Stuart Gaines

Ms. Carol Hoover

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